As part of any exercise we run, no matter what the objective, we start and end with a quick survey to gauge understanding and confidence in the structures and functions in place to manage the scenario.
An exercise is not a test! It’s always an opportunity to highlight what worked well and any gaps that could be addressed.
A quick survey gives both the client and the ResilientCo team a great, top level indication of whether the objectives of the exercise were right and if the exercise itself hit the spot.
We took Bass Coast Shire Council through an exercise recently that looked at executive crisis management, emergency management and business continuity functions having to run all at once due to a scenario that impacted the Phillip Island Bridge and power onto Philip Island in the middle of summer holidays.
The vibe in the room was great from the start with team Bass Coast fully engaged. The survey results before and after the exercise showed the great level of engagement.
The understanding of Council’s internal and external role and responsibilities during a crisis event increased, as did their understanding of the interaction between crisis management, business continuity and emergency management during a major disaster.
Overall, the exercise participants ranked the exercise 4.4 stars out of 5 stars, a great result for Council and for the ResilientCo team members who worked hard to get it right.
- March 2023