We’ve spent a bit of time at the beach recently (kind of literally), working with a couple of very switched on councils keen to understand their own emergency management capability and capacity.
Most recently, we’ve had the pleasure of working with Surf Coast Shire Council on a review of its emergency management arrangements including current structures, systems and processes around emergency management, crisis management and business continuity.
As part of the review, the ResilientCo team took staff through an interactive exploration of current crisis management policies, procedures and responses that have been informed by recent events as well as COVID-19.
This was followed by a deeper dive into specific improvements, innovations and ideas for Council to better support the community, agencies and themselves before, during and after emergencies.
The emphasis was on the importance of building on the strength of the systems already in place.
Informed by this workshop, interviews with key personnel, document reviews and responses from a survey, we’re pulling together a report that will provide a snap-shot into the organisation’s current capability and capacity as they relate to crisis management, business continuity and emergency management.
The key recommendations, lessons learnt and any identified areas for improvement will help inform the mitigation, risk management and effectiveness of future emergency management operations for Council.
Want to know more? Happy to chat on hello@resilientco.au
December 13, 2022