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ResilientCo Blog
Insights into our work, industry and community.

Valuing social capital in disasters
Professor Daniel Aldrich generously shared his knowledge and research about building social capital and the important role it plays in...

Gannawarra Community Recovery
It was a pleasure for the team to support Gannawarra Shire Council and the Community Recovery Committee in the development of a recovery...

Increasing understanding through exercising
As part of any exercise we run, no matter what the objective, we start and end with a quick survey to gauge understanding and confidence...

Meet the RCO team - Brett Ellis
Name: Brett Ellis Specialty: Resilience building in organisations and communities. Helping others to think outside the square. Bringing...

Designing for your worst-case plausible scenario
When we design exercises for local government and corporate clients, we’re looking for the most plausible, worst case scenario that will...

Meet the RCO team - Kate Siebert
Specialty: Public value in complex and wicked situations. This means it I lean into today’s challenges, and help to design for tomorrow....

Outcomes that matter - mining for emergency management gold
Legislation changes in Victoria are providing the opportunity for Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees to become truly...

Meet the RCO team - Deborrah Jepsen
Specialty: I turn strategies and ideas into real on the ground projects for communities. With a focus currently in public safety, I work...

The story of Millgrove and building a more resilient community
The Millgrove community in Victoria is in the top 5 most vulnerable communities in the country that is exposed to the threat of...

Meet the RCO team - Tia Baptista
Tia's specialty: I specialise in project management and stakeholder engagement; both firmly grounded within the disaster resilience and...

Meet the RCO team - Mirna Arivalagan
Mirna's specialty: I’m a data and analytics specialist. What this means is that I am able to gather information from various sources and...

Community as active emergency participants
The importance of community knowledge and connection in emergencies came through loud and clear in interviews with Gannawarra Shire...

Surf Coast building on the strengths of the systems in place
We’ve spent a bit of time at the beach recently (kind of literally), working with a couple of very switched on councils keen to...

It's a marathon not a sprint
Reflections from ResilientCo Managing Director Brett Ellis : It’s a marathon not a sprint. I’ve heard those words a lot in the Ganawarra...

Local government in partnership
Recently the ResilientCo team headed out to Colac to conduct a tabletop discussion exercise with the Otway District Emergency Management...

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
October 13 is the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. This year the focus of the day, aligned to the Sendai Framework, is to...

Using data in disaster resilience
Enabling local community disaster preparedness and building community resilience by improving the quality of data about community...

Becoming DisasterSmart
ResilientCo is working with municipalities through our DisasterSmart program to help them prepare for, manage and recover from complex...

Preparing for another La Nina
This summer, the focus is once again on flood and storms in some parts of Australia. The Bureau of Meteorology has declared the third La...

Supporting resilience in communities
A collaborative program aims to strengthen the capability of an ‘at risk’ community to respond to future shocks and stresses such as...
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